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Explore how societies allocate scarce resources in the presence of unlimited wants and important questions like; why are some countries poor and others rich and why do some jobs pay high salaries while others pay low wages?

The department offers courses in economic theory as well as quantitative analytical training. Our students will not only gain conceptual understanding of economic issues, but also empirical problem solving skills that can be applied to a variety of fields including international, 货币, 金融经济学, 劳动, 发展, as well as behavioral economics.

经济学 is the study of ways in which individuals, 组, and nations choose to allocate scarce resources to produce, 交换, and consume goods and services. 贫困, 失业, 气候变化, 暴力冲突, inflation and inequality are pressing issues in our world. The economics curriculum helps students understand the basic theories that explain some of these problems and provides students with some of the tools needed to begin to answer questions related to these challenges. We also examine the various ways to address these issues and the role of government. In addition to the traditional economics major, students who plan graduate study in economics are encouraged to take additional courses in mathematics or consider the mathematics-economics major.

An economics major professor lectures her class at a podium.


The 经济学 major gives students a rich education in economic theory and empirical applications. Students begin by acquiring a deep foundation in microeconomics and macroeconomics and in econometrics, then take courses in specialized areas, including international trade and finance, poverty and discrimination, behavioral economics and 劳动 economics, 等. 你将学习:

  • A working understanding of regulatory, fiscal and 货币 policy
  • Application of economic theory to a range of economic problems and effective communication of your analysis
  • The ability to define and analyze economic problems using graphical, 代数, 统计方法



欧米克隆, the International 经济学 Honor Society, strives to recognize scholastic attainment in economics and establish closer ties between students and faculty in economics. The Agnes Scott chapter meets these objectives by engaging in various activities around campus including an occasional economics discussion over lunch, 社交活动, 研讨会, and field trips to places such as the Federal Reserve Bank.

The 经济学 Learning Center

The 经济学 Learning Center offers a welcoming learning environment for students who need assistance in economics classes. Students can get help from a professor or a learning assistant on a problem set, 与同学一起学习, prepare for an upcoming exam, 或者使用电脑, 都有Excel, 占据, and StatTransfer for working on economics problem set or research project. Learning assistants and faculty members are available Monday through Friday. Students are encouraged to drop in and work by themselves, 和其他学生一起, or with a learning assistant.

Internships and Research Opportunities

The department strongly encourages majors to complete at least one internship while at Agnes Scott. Internships are an important way for students to gain insight into future 职业生涯, begin to establish a network of professional contacts, and learn how businesses or nonprofit organizations operate. Agnes Scott students have completed internships at many different organizations in Atlanta and around the United States. In the last few years, students have interned at AT&T, 特纳广播公司, 联合包裹, 摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 卡特中心, Georgia Public Broadcasting, 国际特赦组织, 美林(Merrill Lynch), 亚特兰大交响乐团, 收集技术, 和南方公司, among many other organizations.



艾米P. Breidenthal

Gail Savage Glover '66 and Marion B. Glover Assistant Professor of 企业管理





Patricia Higino Schneider

Associate 经济学教授

Ruth Uwaifo Oyelere

Ruth Uwaifo Oyelere

Associate Professor/Chair of 经济学 & 企业管理


通过亲身实践, experiential learning inherent in the economics major, you will acquire a well-rounded skill set that prepares you for professional work, 或者进一步研究.

The economics major at Agnes Scott will prepare you for a career in business or non-profit fields by providing a thorough background in economic theory and applications. Some of our students choose go on to graduate programs in economics or public policy while others go to law school. Some return to school to get an MBA after working for few years.

  • Analyst (Data, Labor, Resource)
  • 立法的助手
  • 资讯科技系统顾问
  • 销售支持分析师
  • 咨询助理
  • 金融顾问

